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An initial assessment is undertaken when a young person applies to the college, this takes into account any prior learning that has been achieved and identifies the potential for learning including motivation and engagement.

A range of assessment tools are used at the college to baseline and capture learners’ starting points. These are undertaken across a spectrum of skills such as English and Maths, social and communication skills, motor and sensory needs, independent living, and personal skills. Assessments enable staff to have a thorough understanding of each learner’s abilities, skills, and knowledge and the support they require. Assessments take place at regular intervals throughout the year and these are used by staff to plan the learning that is going to be most relevant to the learner now and in the future. Progress is reported to parents, carers, and stakeholders termly.

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We encourage learners to be involved in planning their own learning, including target setting, and we seek their feedback regularly. Assessments enable staff to track progress and for learners to know what they are achieving. It also helps to reflect and to celebrate those achievements.
